Casey Charlesworth | Dylan Vo | Keval Pate

All Images are produced and accredited to Professor Johnson's Code

*Written analysis at bottom

Utility Plot


Utility Plot Y-Axis Lower Limit=0


Utilities for June


June Electricty Usage to Temperature Correlation


Analysis of the Data

There's a lower usage in electricty that doesn't correlate to the temperature starting around 2007-2008. Based on the current knowledge that we have and the data trend it's safe to assume that weather had lilttle influence over this. Especially, since the weather around this time is consistent with prior temperatures. This could mean that there were outstanding factors that led to a lower usage of power. One that could have potentially impacted this is the 2008 Housing Market Crash. This crash led to a down turn in the economy, thus people had more financial instability. So, people could have cut back on electricity to save money.